Chorizo empanadas

September 12, 2011 § 13 Comments

Along with a whole other set of mild, borderline addictions (like kombucha, smoked fish, and eating pate for breakfast…hey now, don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!) I have a pastry dough problem.  It’s not so much a problem with eating it – though there are very few things in this world that taste worse when delicately cradled in flaky dough.  My addiction is to making it (and then I push it on others because one can really only eat so much pastry dough before one begins to take on the look of a stuffed turnover oneself.  Not that I don’t also eat plenty myself in the process.  And love it.).

Many people see a recipe that calls for making a pie crust, or a tart crust, or any other pastry dough and they quickly turn the page, banishing thoughts of how tasty it sounded from their minds because they are unwilling to confront the process.  Or they turn to Pillsbury for help.  I was one of those people up until a few years ago.  But, one intrepid day I decided I would try it.  The crust didn’t turn out all that fabulous, but it was good, and painless enough that I was willing to try again.  Then I tried again, and again, and soon I found myself envisioning everything in my refrigerator wrapped up in a tart, just so I could get one more hit of the dough making process.

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